So iam Three months pregnant , and i have been waiting for this momment foreverr ! iam very exiteddd the only thing i do is talk about it ! iam a first time mom to be and i always have questions about whatts normal and what is not or what is safe and what is not . For now im gonna talk about how i cnt be doing anymore nails because the chemicals are very harsh and i really dont wanna put my pregnancy in danger ..
Yes pregnant people cn still get acrylic nails and manicures while pregnant ! But , it is not really safe for the person who is workin on them , which that would be me ! The people who are gettin them done are close to the chemical but no touching them or breathing on them .. while the manicurist always iss .
iam some time what sad i cant work on nails anymore , but the reason is worth it :) i cnt still do my little manicures tho :)